GTA Online Cut Content Discovered by Players

Players have discovered new content that has been cut from GTA Online. Grand Theft Auto V is one of the biggest games of all-time, but there are a lot of secrets still surrounding the game, despite the fact it’s been ten years since its release. There was a bunch of cut content that players have discovered over time, some of which has even made its way into GTA Online. The casino was intended to be an accessible location, there were some heists that ended up getting scrapped, and there were even plans for single-player DLC that never materialized. Various other things were left on the cutting room floor such as weapons, vehicles, and more.

Players have now unearthed new cut content for GTA Online. Twitter user KimiSha19 discovered you can play the beta build for GTA Online, AKA a version of the game from before it launched in October 2013, using Xenia. This version is obviously unfinished as it uses Max Payne 3 assets in place of the ones that would be added for the final release, players can’t earn money, and there’s other various problems. However, they have discovered things that aren’t in the final release at all, such as some characters that you can contact. These characters even have fully voiced dialogue and gameplay features. There are two characters named Al Carter and Edgar Claros, both of which can be called for gang backup with the ability to specialize the types of weapons they bring and how many will arrive. Lamar also has this option, suggesting there may have been various gangs you could align with in GTA Online at one point.

It’s also possible this feature was cut as Rockstar realized you can simply call the likes of Merryweather if you really need assistance, rendering this kind of obsolete. Either way, it’s an interesting touch and it’s even more interesting no trace of these characters have popped up in GTA Online in the last ten years. It certainly makes you wonder just what else got cut from the game that we don’t know about.

What do you think of this content? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @Cade_Onder.
