WWE Fastlane: John Cena and LA Knight Defeat the Bloodline

LA Knight got his superstar making moment as he and John Cena picked up a victory over the Bloodline at WWE Fastline on Saturday evening. Knight picked up the pin on Jimmy Uso with a BFT after a spirited match that left the Bloodline in further shambles and helped cement Knight’s rise to the top of the WWE Universe.

The story of the match was John Cena getting isolated by the Bloodline early in the match, with LA Knight unable to make a tag despite several close calls. Knight actually didn’t get tagged until near the match’s conclusion, with a thunderous hot tag that led to Jimmy Uso and Solo Sikoa getting cleared out of the ring in quick order. After Knight tagged in, chaos quickly ensued, with all four wrestlers laying on the mat at one point after multiple splashes.

Knight’s star has gradually been rising over the course of 2023, but a victory with Cena certainly is his biggest yet. It also sets up some intriguing possibilities for the remainder of the year. Will Knight challenge Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship? Or will we possibly see both Cena and Knight step up to Reigns? Or will Knight and Cena continue their partnership as part of a Survivor Series match against a full Bloodline? Whichever road it takes, it certainly seems like Knight isn’t done with the Bloodline yet.

LA Knight’s Rise Explained

Knight has quickly gotten himself over with fans, thanks in part to his mic skills and the fact that he carries himself in a way that few other WWE Superstars do. However, Knight has said that he actually doesn’t value his promo skills as much as his in-ring abilities. “Whenever I hear guys, in the act of talking, say they are the best at talking, I’m like, ‘What does that matter in the grand scheme of things?’ It matters in the form of entertainment, but in the scheme of what we’re actually doing, I’m trying to fight this guy, beat this guy, win his championship, what the hell does me being good at talking matter in the scheme of that?” Knight recently said. “Even outside of the universe of wrestling, just because it feels weird and self-serving. The guys who brag about that, it seems like a strange thing. Do you think Muhammad Ali was ever like, ‘I’m the best on the mic.’ No, he was, ‘I’m the best in the ring. I’m the best boxer.'”
