The ninth and final season of The Flash came to a close this week, wrapping up over a decade of storytelling in The CW‘s Arrowverse. While the show’s last hurrah brought back a number of characters and had some surprising moments, it sounds like two more would have happened in the series’ original plans. In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, The Flash showrunner Eric Wallace revealed that, if the show had gotten a tenth season, it would have potentially brought back Patty Spivot (Shantel VanSanten) and Julian Albert (Tom Felton), who previously starred in Seasons 2 and 3 of the series, respectively. In Wallace’s plans, that story would have revealed that Patty and Julian are married, despite never having interacted in the show previously. They would have also operated as crime-fighters under the name Hot Pursuit, a mantle that Patty assumes in the comics during Flashpoint.
“How cool would that have been?” Wallace suggested.
“What was disappointing is there were a couple of heroes and a couple of villains that will just never see the light of day in the Arrowverse, unfortunately, because we had to put all of our energy into Barry and Iris — we’ve got to fit two years’ worth of Barry and Iris in one season,” Wallace said elsewheere in the interview.
Will the Arrowverse continue after The Flash finale?
With a live-action DC “reset” set to occur in the next few years, and The CW’s long-gestating Justice U spinoff canceled last week, fans have been curious to see if and how the Arrowverse continues.
“I’ve wrapped up a lot of things in the series finale, and it ends on a very hopeful note that shows you how the future of the Arrowverse could continue in some way, shape, or form,” Wallace explained in a recent interview. “It hopefully gives people closure, but also some hope for the future, because otherwise it’s very sad to think that there’s no more crossovers, that there won’t be an Arrowverse after May 24. That saddens me because I love it so much, and it was such a big part of not just my life, but a whole fan base’s life.”
Would you have wanted to see Patty Spivot and Julian Albert return on The Flash? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!