The Finals has a pretty cheeky exploit players are taking advantage of right now. There are a lot of free-to-play shooters vying for attention from players right now whether that be Apex Legends, Halo Infinite, Call of Duty: Warzone, or Fortnite, there are a lot of options out there for people in addition to all of the premium releases like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. One of the newest additions to the genre is a game called The Finals, a squad-based shooter that places players into a game show where they must collect and deposit coins while competing against multiple other teams. It’s chaotic, especially since there are a lot of gadgets that allow for fast, advanced movement and virtually every environment is completely destructible. If you want to bring an entire building down on someone, you can. If a coin bank is on the top floor of a building, you can blow out the floors below it and send it down to the ground floor.
It’s a really smart game and it comes from a new studio called Embark Studios, which is comprised of veterans of the FPS genre. Given the game is so new and it’s from a smaller team, it does have some kinks to be worked out. There has been a lot of blatant cheating in The Finals that has gone undealt with, but there are also exploits that can be taken advantage of thanks to bugs. One such bug is that if players swap between the taser and another weapon like a sniper rifle, the narrower crosshair that is used for the taser will remain. This makes it easy to absolutely laser people with a sniper rifle without scoping in as the crosshair is pretty much perfectly accurate and not super wide. There are now some pretty sweet trickshots going around as a result of this. Given snipers make it easy to kill someone in one or two shots, being able to hip fire it without any penalty makes this a super overpowered exploit.
So, apparently, you can laserbeam from hip-fire any Light-class gun after using Stun Gun. Sniper rifle is a Railgun now!
u/LowBrown in
As of right now, we have no idea when this will be fixed. Given it’s pretty severe, we can’t imagine it will last long. We also wouldn’t advise going out of your way to do this exploit since it’s pretty unfair, but obviously, no one can stop you from doing it!