Fairy Tail is gearing up to return to the world of an anime with an official adaptation for its sequel series, and one awesome cosplay is gearing up for this new series by magically summoning Aquarius to life! As the main hero of the series, Lucy Heartfilia ended up taking on all sorts of tough opponents and major fights over the course of her adventures together with Natsu Dragneel and the rest of the Fairy Tail guild. Lucy was able to keep up with these challenges thanks to the help of her various Spirits that all had distinct personalities and approached their time with Lucy in different ways.
The one with the most distinct anti-Lucy personality from the beginning was Aquarius. Although she was the strongest spirit in Lucy’s arsenal for quite some time, she rarely actually helped Lucy because she always hated being summoned each time we saw her in action. It made her stand out from the rest of the spirits overall, and now artist @maywedacosplay on Instagram is making her standout all the more with some very magical cosplay. Check it out below:
How to Get Ready for Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest
Fairy Tail’s anime and manga might have ended long before now, but the franchise will be returning with a full sequel anime taking on the sequel manga series. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest has seen Lucy and the others taking on one of the toughest quests their guild has ever challenged them with and has not only brought back a ton of characters, but introduced some big new faces. The release for the anime has yet to be set, so there’s still time to check it out before it debuts.
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If you wanted to get a jump start on the sequel before the anime makes its debut, Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest has been officially licensed by Kodansha Comics. They describe it as such, “Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Erza, and the whole Fairy Tail guild are back in action! And they’ve decided to tackle the ‘100 Years Quest’ – a job no one’s dared take on since the founding of the guild more than a century ago. A mysterious town, a baffling spirit, a ghastly new enemy…and a brand new continent to explore. When you’re with real friends, the adventures never stop!”
What did you think of Lucy and Aquarius’ moments in Fairy Tail? How did you like the series overall? Let us know all of your thoughts about Fairy Tail and everything anime in the comments!