American Horror Story: Delicate Episode 2 Recap With Spoilers: “Rockabye”

Last week on American Horror Story: Delicate, viewers were introduced to Anna Victoria Alcott (Emma Roberts), a rising actress desperately trying to start a family with her husband via IVF but as she gets closer to her goals — personal and professional — she starts to grow more and more unsettled that someone might be stalking her and might mean harm to her and her potential child. This week, those feelings of foreboding are starting to ramp up as Anna becomes keenly aware she’s being stalked while, at the same time, the people in her life may not exactly be believing her. The eagerly anticipated twelfth season of American Horror Story, this one based on Danielle Valentine’s novel Delicate Condition, continues with that unsettled tone but what’s really going on with Anna? Here’s what happened in this week’s episode, “Rockabye”.

Spoilers for American Horror Story: Delicate, “Rockabye” abound from this point on. Only read on if you really want to know.

What Happens in American Horror Story: Delicate Episode 2?

The episode opens with Anna and her husband speaking with the police and going over security video that makes it seem like she’s wrong about someone being in their apartment. The police suggest she thought she saw things because of her medication. The next day, Anna notices the strange woman watching her again, but when she looks again it’s just a child. She also starts to notice a strange red mark on her chin. Anna tries to tell Siobhan about the stalker, but Siobhan tells her Anna she needs to get it together because she’s trying to get an Oscar. She also gives Anna some vials of what she says is B12 and says she wouldn’t do anything to hurt her.

Anna calls her doctor’s office and Cora, the receptionist, knows about the stalker and Anna has no recollection of having talking to her. Later Anna is looking at her social media and discovers that “Preecher_Spe@ks” is leaving creepy messages and posting about her, including about a “secret cabal of witches” running Hollywood. Anna’s husband shows up and she nearly stabs him, but he asks her to take a pregnancy test. Anna is unaware two weeks has passed — she’s seemingly losing time. She takes the test and is pregnant. The doctor confirms and tells Anna to avoid all stress. Anna celebrates her good news with Siobhan — who also gets her an incredible dress for an event. While they have a little fun dancing in front of Anna’s mirror, the mirror suddenly shatters.

At the Gotham Awards, Anna’s limelight is somewhat stolen by a younger actress who is also nominated. In the bathroom she notices the mark on her chin is peeling but, more accurately, so is her skin and a strange woman is trying to chat her up. Anna gets sick and the woman follows her into the restroom and Anna panics, shoving her. The woman hits her head. Anna leaves her there as her award category is announced. Anna wins, but as she’s delivering her speech, she sees the woman from the bathroom, Io Preecher, and her husband kissing his late wife and the artist who looks like her before getting sick and throwing up a strange substance and passing out.

Anna wakes up outside the bathroom being cared for by paramedics. They sedate her when she starts to freak out because the woman is missing from the bathroom floor. Siobhan tells her she was just exhausted and dehydrated. There was no woman. Anna and her husband leave the city in the wake of the press from that night and go to stay at Talia’s house and gives them a security guard, Kamal. That night, Anna investigates a noise in the basement with Kamal and finds nothing. At yoga, Anna experiences pain that gets worse on the way back home. A woman named Ivy comes in does an ultrasound, though Anna thinks she recognizes the woman as she looks a lot like the mysterious stalker. When she leaves, Anna goes to the bathroom and she’s bleeding profusely. She ends up miscarrying but when the doctor tells her she needs an ultrasound, that’s when they realize that Ivy wasn’t working for the hospital. They have no such nurse.

How Does American Horror Story: Delicate Episode 2 Differ From The Book?

The biggest changes from the page to screen in episode 2 involve Anna and the Gotham Awards. That sequence does not happen in the book. Everything else, particularly Anna and Dex going to Talia’s house following the break in and the miscarriage and mysterious nurse at the hospital, are key points in Delicate Condition. It’s also worth noting that in the book it isn’t Anna who has the strange red mark on her chin, though that mark does exist on other characters, namely Siobhan.

American Horror Story: Delicate airs Wednesdays on FX.
