Twitter Blue Verification Relaunching Soon With Updated Prices

Twitter Blue is being relaunched very soon with some price and verification changes. In October, Elon Musk officially took control of Twitter and began making massive changes. He laid off half of the company and then made big changes to Twitter Blue and the verification system. He noted that users would be able to pay $8 a month for the ability to have a blue verification badge next to their name alongside some other features that would roll out over time. This divided people given many felt this would lead to problems such as impersonation. Of course, when the feature actually launched, that’s exactly what happened. Around this time, advertisers also began leaving the platform, hurting Twitter’s revenue.

Twitter eventually disabled new Twitter Blue subscriptions in order to fix the problems and also made it so verified users were temporarily unable to change their display name and profile picture to avoid more imposter accounts. Twitter Blue is being relaunched on Monday and it will cost $11 on iOS and $8 on the web version of Twitter. It will include the ability to edit tweets, upload 1080p videos, and get a blue checkmark after your account has been “reviewed” (it’s unclear what that means, exactly). Anyone who changes their display name or profile picture will also lose the checkmark, but will get it back after being reviewed again. Twitter is also giving gold checkmarks to verified businesses and grey ones to “government and multilateral accounts”. Of course, this system has already changed numerous times already over the course of a month, so it could see more changes in the future.

As of right now, it remains to be seen how successful this will be in the long term. Most Twitter users tend to use the mobile app and charging $11 could dissuade some users from subscribing, even though they could probably just log on through the mobile browser or a computer. Whether it will hold its value in the long term remains to be seen.


Are you going to use the new Twitter Blue? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @Cade_Onder.