Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Players Discover Glitch to Change Time of Day

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 players have figured out how to change the time of day in the game. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is one of the most beloved games of the year, but some fans are longing for more. For starters, fans are hoping for DLC. The story already had a lot packed into it and there is a lot of set up for a third game, but fans are hoping for something like a Daredevil DLC or something of the sorts. The first game had three pieces of DLC which were a bit mixed, but fans were happy to continue spending time in that world. Insomniac Games has yet to confirm or deny if it will be doing any DLC, but there are a lot of possible DLCs for some.

On top of that, fans are hoping to see some quality of life changes that add features like the ability to change the time of day. Since Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 doesn’t have a day/night cycle, the game is permanently stuck during the afternoon once you beat the game. The rest of the game has evening, night, rain storms at night, overcast weather, and more to give the game a variety of looks. This was perfect for photo mode lovers, but the endgame feels like it is permanently 2 PM. Well, some fans figured out how to glitch the game to turn it to night time. You can view the video below for a step by step of how to do it, but if you enter a Mysterio level while the game speed is turned down and then replay the mission from the map, you will respawn with the game now being set at night.

It’s unclear if this will get patched, but it’s a nice alternative right now. You should still back up your save before you do this, as it may have unknown side effects on the game and you may not be able to re-enter to day time. As of right now, we have no idea what to expect from future Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 updates outside of New Game+.
