Ever since it first launched on Netflix late last week, Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery has been celebrated by viewers. The sequel to 2019’s Knives Out absolutely upped the ante in some delightful ways, assembling a new supporting cast to surround Benoit Blanc (Daniel Craig). In addition to some fictionalized characters, the film featured multiple cameos from celebrities playing themselves — including a noteworthy appearance from the late Angela Lansbury. Lansbury appears as herself via video chat in the film’s first act, as a member of Blanc’s friend group who are trying to distract him by playing Among Us. As director and co-writer Rian Johnson revealed, Lansbury “couldn’t have been lovelier and more generous” while filming her cameo — even as she did not really understand the specifics of Among Us, as she was “not a gamer.”
“She was very patient in letting me describe the rules of Among Us, up to a point,” Johnson told The Hollywood Reporter. “At which point she just said, ‘You know what? Just tell me what the lines are. I’ll trust you.'”
What is Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery about?
In Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery, Tech billionaire Miles Bron invites his friends (and Detective Benoit Blanc) for a “murder mystery party” getaway on Glass Onion, his private Greek island. However, when someone turns up dead for real, Blanc must crack the case and discover who the killer is.
The film also stars Edward Norton as Miles Bron, Janelle Mon?e as Cassandra “Andi” Brand, Kathryn Hahn as Claire Debella, Leslie Odom Jr. as Lionel Toussaint, Jessica Henwick as Peg, Madelyn Cline as Whiskey, Kate Hudson as Birdie Jay, Dave Bautista as Duke Cody, and Ethan Hawke in a currently-unknown role. Glass Onion is one of two sequels already greenlit by Netflix.
“I’ve tried hard to make them self-contained,” Johnson said in a recent interview with The Atlantic. “Honestly, I’m pissed off that we have A Knives Out Mystery in the title. You know? I want it to just be called Glass Onion. I get it, and I want everyone who liked the first movie to know this is next in the series, but also, the whole appeal to me is it’s a new novel off the shelf every time. But there’s a gravity of a thousand suns toward serialized storytelling.”
What did you think of Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery? How did you feel about Angela Lansbury’s cameo? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery is now available to stream exclusively on Netflix.