The Undertaker Makes WWE Return on NXT

While the night was full of surprises, WWE NXT had one last big reveal on the list to close out tonight’s loaded episode. Bron Breakker and Carmelo Hayes faced each other for the first time outside of a premium live event, and they had Paul Heyman and John Cena in their corners respectively. The match was as thrilling as always, but then Cena would keep Breakker from hurting Hayes with the steel steps. That led to Solo Sikoa attacking Cena, and after Hayes’ big win, it was The Undertaker making his shocking return to WWE as the American Badass, where he hit Breakker with a chokeslam and a message.

Breakker and Hayes circled each other and Breakker charged in first, but Hayes evaded. Hayes hit with strikes but Breakker pushed him away and then got hit on the side of the head with a kick. Hayes went for a crossbody but Breakker caught him and slammed him down. Breakker delivered some punches and then slammed his shoulder into Hayes in the corner.

Breakker knocked Hayes down and then lifted Hayes up on his shoulders, but Hayes escaped and then hit a stunning springboard neckbreaker. Hayes knocked Breakker out of the ring and then kicked Breakker in the chest before hitting a leg drop. Hayes went for the cover but Breakker kicked out.

Hayes hit another crossbody and knocked Breakker to the mat before locking in a hold. Breakker then got back on his feet and cut Hayes off in the middle of the ring, following it up by putting pressure on Hayes’ neck before taunting Cena at ringside. Hayes came back with chops but Breakker then sent Hayes flying into a cover attempt. Hayes kicked out, but Breakker then put pressure on Hayes’ shoulder and back.

Breakker slammed Hayes into the corner, but Hayes avoided the charge. The two stars exchanged strikes and punches as they made their way to the top rope, and Breakker would pull down Hayes’ neck onto the turnbuckle. Breakker was back in the ring and he slammed down Hayes before going for a pin, but Hayes kicked out. Breakker then slammed his shoulder into Hayes after bouncing off the ropes, a move that stunned Heyman. Breakker then launched Hayes into the air, and Hayes slammed to the mat hard as Bron Breakker sucks chants broke out.

Breakker hit Hayes with an array of punches and strikes, and then Breakker lifted Hayes on his shoulders and brought Hayes down on double knees. Heyman was clearly impressed and Cena was worried for Hayes, and then Breakker slammed down Hayes two more times before taunting Cena again.

Breakker ate a huge superkick to the head though, and Cena rallied Hayes before Hayes hit a clothesline on Breakker. Hayes then reversed a move from Breakker into a slam and a cover, but Breakker got his shoulder up at the last second. Hayes went up top and he was joined by Breakker, and then Breakker brought him down with a facebuster into a cover, but Hayes kicked out of the pin.

Breakker missed Hayes and hit the stele post, but Breakker caught Hayes after Nothing but Net and went for the cover. Somehow thought Hayes kicked out, and he rolled outside to get some space. Breakker followed though and grabbed some steel steps. Then Cena broke it up and grabbed the steps from Breakker, but Solo Sikoa showed up and attacked Cena. They would then head to the back with their brawl.

Hayes’ Nothing but Net followed on Breakker, and that was it, as Hayes got the pin and the win. After his celebration though, Breakker speared Hayes and wanted a microphone. Breakker said “win or lose, there’s only one badass in all of WWE, and that’s when The Undertaker’s music hit.

The American Badass himself came out and then got in Breakker’s face. Breakker took some shots at Undertaker, calling him an old timer, and Undertaker grabbed a microphone. “Now Bron, I’ve been watching you for a long time. And one day you are going to be a very special talent,” Undertaker said. “It’s just one thing. It ain’t today.”

Undertaker picked up Breakker and hit him with a chokeslam. Then Undertaker picked up the microphone and told Breakker “Young fella, I’m going to give you some advice. There’s always an older, bigger, better, badass waiting around the corner. You just met the baddest of em all.” Then Undertaker celebrated with Hayes as NXT closed out.


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