Roman Reigns’ Match for the WWE Royal Rumble Confirmed After He Interferes in SmackDown Match

In the main event of the New Year’s Revolution episode of WWE SmackDown, Randy Orton, AJ Styles and LA Knight — three men with a lot to prove to Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns — competed in a #1 contenders match. Things seemed to be going well until the end of the match neared, and Reigns made his way to the ring with the rest of The Bloodline, spelling trouble for the exhausted men in the ring.

The men threw everything at each other early on in the match. Orton comes out strong in the first half, clearly ready to get one over on Roman Reigns. Orton sets up Styles for the DDT as he feeds off the crowd. Instead of pinning Styles, he calls for the RKO but Knight pulls him out of the ring. Styles flies to the outside. Back from commercial, Styles and Knight are in the ring, Styles hits a flying forearm. Orton crawls back onto the ring apron but Styles catches him, punching his head, causing him to fall. Knight charges back up momentarily but it’s Styles now who stands stall. He sideways slams Knight who kicks out at two. Orton hangs between the ropes, once again falling to the outside. This time Styles chops Orton in the chest and throws him into the steel steps and the LED screens that sit ringside.

Knight hits the jawbreaker on Styles and Orton gets a shot of his own in. Knight punches and kicks styles down until Orton stops him. Knight gives him a taste of his fist, catching him with a Russian leg sweep. He throws Styles up in the air but Orton is back on his feet now. He powerslams both men with ease. Knight and Styles hit each other with everything they have — punches, a P?le kick — Styles springboards into a 450 but gets a two count out of Knight. Knight gets a few brutal shots to the forehead as Styles goes for a Styles Clash. He scouts Orton who gets kicked in the face by Styles. Styles hits the RKO over Styles and is about to win but Knight pulls the referee out of the ring. He rolls back in the ring.

Roman Reigns makes his way down to the ring. He sends Solo Sikoa and Jimmy Uso into the ring as they all beat down on all three men, clearly hoping to make sure none of the men will be able to challenge him. Orton gets slammed face first into the steel steps as Jimmy Uso pops the cover off the announce table. Reigns lifts Styles up and power bombs him. Knight crawls to his feet as Reigns loads up the Superman punch, busting him open even further. He finishes him off with a spear. Uso throws Orton into the ring and they all circle him. He and Sikoa go for a Samoan Spike Spear combination to Orton. Nick Aldis looks on and steps forward, grabbing onto Heyman. He tells him that Reigns just earned himself a fatal-four way for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship at the Royal Rumble.


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