Paul Grant, an actor known for his work in the Harry Potter franchise and Star Wars: Return on the Jedi, has passed away at the age of 56. According to reports, Grant was reportedly found unresponsive at a train station in London on Thursday, March 16, and had been declared brain dead at the scene. He was subsequently taken off of life support on Sunday, March 19th. Grant portrayed an Ewok in Return of the Jedi, and later a goblin in the Harry Potter films.
“I’m devastated,” Grant’s daughter, Sophie Jayne Grant, said in a statement to The Sun. “My dad was a legend in so many ways. He always brought a smile and laughter to everyone’s face. He would do anything for anyone and was a massive Arsenal fan. He was an actor, father and grandad. He loved his daughters and son and his girlfriend Maria very much, as well as her kids who were like stepchildren to him. My dad I love you so much sleep tight.”
“Paul was the love of my life,” Grant’s girlfriend, Maria Dwyer, echoed. “The funniest man I know. He made my life complete. Life is never going to be the same without him.”
“He was a lovely bloke,” a family friend said in a statement. “He’s always battled with drugs and alcohol addiction but he was a talented actor. He called himself the ‘King of the Dwarfs’. It’s so sad.”
Born in the U.K., Grant’s first onscreen credit was as an Ewok in Return of the Jedi. He subsequently appeared in Labyrinth, The Dead, and an uncredited role in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. He also was a stunt double on Legend, Labyrinth, and Willow.
A London Ambulance Service spokesperson said of Grant’s collapse: “We were called at 2.08pm on Thursday 16 March to reports of an incident at St Pancras Station, Euston Road. We sent an ambulance crew and a medic in a response car. We treated a man at the scene and took him to hospital as a priority.”
Our thoughts are with Grant’s family, friends, and fans at this time.