First introduced to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Madripoor made its triumphant return to the franchise during the events of Echo Episode 2. Though nobody travels to the island country, nor does it appear on-screen, it’s mentioned in a scene involving Skully (Graham Greene) and Cousin Biscuits (Cody Lightning).
At Skully’s pawn shop, a couple is looking to buy some Indigenous artifacts. When they asked if there were any Navajo rugs in stock, Biscuits made a note that they didn’t want any of those as they’re just rugs made in Madripoor.
“One of the interesting things about the wide shots in Madripoor is that if you look in the books, there’s always a sampan or some old, old boats in the harbor,” The Falcon and the Winter Soldier’s VFX boss Eric Leven previously told us of the city. “So initially, we had those, as well, in Madripoor and they decided, ‘Nah, that’s not what we want to do for the MCU vision of Madripoor. We want this to be more like a haven for super-wealthy tax cheats,’ so instead of the sampans, we’re going to put these cigarette boats and big mega yachts and things like that. So, it was interesting to see how it evolved from the different sources.
Starring Alaqua Cox, all five episodes of Echo have debuted on both Disney+ and Hulu. The origin story of Echo revisits Maya Lopez, whose ruthless behavior in New York City catches up with her in her hometown. She must face her past, reconnect with her Native American roots and embrace the meaning of family and community if she ever hopes to move forward. Vincent D’Onofrio will reprise his role as Wilson Fisk / Kingpin, and Charlie Cox will reprise his role as Matt Murdock / Daredevil. Echo will also star Chaske Spencer, Tantoo Cardinal, Devery Jacobs, Cody Lightning, Graham Greene and Zahn McClarnon.
Kevin Feige, Louis D’Esposito, Victoria Alonso, Brad Winderbaum, Stephen Broussard, Richie Palmer, Marion Dayre, and Jason Gavin (Blackfeet) are executive producers of Echo. Amy Rardin, Sydney Freeland, Christina King (Seminole), and Jennifer Booth are co-executive producers.