Set to be published on November 7th, Batman #139 begins a new story arc titled “Mindbomb.” The solicitation for the issue teases the fallout of The Gotham War event, revealing that Batman is “completely isolated from his family” while also still battling his secondary personality, The Batman of Zur-En-Arrh. Even with those things holding him back though, The Joker has returned to town and is taunting him, meaning their confrontation is coming. The next issue, Batman #140, also slated for a November publication, teasees the continuation of “Mindbomb,” and offers the nugget of “It’s Batman versus The Joker in their most brutal fight of all time.” Again though, Batman of Zur-En-Arrh is lingering in the wings.
Check out the full solicitations and covers for both issues below!
BATMAN #139 Written by CHIP ZDARSKY Art and cover by JORGE JIMENEZ $4.99 US | 40 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock) ON SALE 11/7/23 Following the cataclysmic events of “The Gotham War,” Batman finds himself completely isolated from his family, struggling to keep the rage of Zur in check. But he can’t stop, because he’s out there, haunting the city, taunting the Dark Knight: The Joker. And the new Batman is ready to stop him once and for all. “Mindbomb” begins!
Written by CHIP ZDARSKY Art and cover by JORGE JIMENEZ $4.99 US | 40 pages | Variant $5.99 US (card stock) ON SALE 12/5/23 It’s Batman versus The Joker in their most brutal fight of all time. But wait…Batman is also battling a legion of himself! What has Zur done? And who will walk away? The brutal “Mindbomb” continues!