Brock Lesnar Gets an Unlikely Challenger for WWE WrestleMania 39

Brock Lesnar was called out to a match at WrestleMania 39 on this week’s Monday Night Raw, but it’s not against the man you’d expect. “The Beast” took on Bobby Lashley at Elimination Chamber this past Saturday in what seemed to be the culmination of their year-long program, only for Lesnar to kick Lashley in the groin while trapped in The Hurt Lock and force a disqualification. However, instead of Lashley stepping forward for another match against The Beast at WrestleMania with some type of stipulation, MVP cut a backstage promo where he called out Lesnar and said Omos wanted a match with him at WrestleMania.

Despite his overwhelming size, “The Colossus” already has a .500 record a WrestleMania. He and AJ Styles won the Raw Tag Team Championships back at WrestleMania 37, but then he lost a singles match against Lashley at WrestleMania 38 a year later.

As for Lashley, Bray Wyatt randomly proclaimed on SmackDown that he wanted to face the winner of Lashley/Lesnar at WrestleMania, even though he has never interacted with “The All Mighty.” Stay tuned for more updates on the WrestleMania 39 card!


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